

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

The channel at the entrance of this sea is four stades across; the narrow neck of the channel, called Karadeniz Bogazi (strait), Istanbul, Marmara, Turkey, AsiaBosporus, across which the bridge was thrown, is about one hundred and twenty stades long. The Karadeniz Bogazi (strait), Istanbul, Marmara, Turkey, AsiaBosporus reaches as far as to the Propontis;

and the Propontis is five hundred stades wide and one thousand four hundred long; its outlet is the Canakkale Bogazi (strait), Canakkale, Marmara, Turkey, Asia Hellespont, which is no wider than seven stades and four hundred long. The Canakkale Bogazi (strait), Canakkale, Marmara, Turkey, Asia Hellespont empties into a gulf of the sea which we call +Aegean Sea [25,38.5] (sea) Aegean.