

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

the land between these rivers, where the land projects like a ship's beak, is called Hippolaus' promontory; a temple of Demeter stands there. The settlement of the Borystheneïtae is beyond the temple, on the Hypanis.

This is the produce of these rivers, and after these there is a fifth river called Panticapas; this also flows from the north out of a lake, and the land between it and the +Dnepr (river), Europe Borysthenes is inhabited by the farming Scythians; it flows into the woodland country, after passing which it mingles with the +Dnepr (river), Europe Borysthenes.

The sixth is the Hypacuris river,[*](Perhaps in the Molotschna region, considerably east of the +Dnepr (river), Europe Dnieper. The “city of Carcine” lay at the eastern end of the Scythian coast, close to the Tauric Chersonese ( +Krym [34,45] (autonomous republic), Ukraine, Europe Crimea). The Racecourse of Achilles was a strip of land, now broken into islands, about 80 miles long, between the +Krym [34,45] (autonomous republic), Ukraine, Europe Crimea and the mouth of the +Dnepr (river), Europe Dnieper.) which rises from a lake, and flowing through the midst of the nomadic Scythians flows out near the city of Carcine, bordering on its right the Woodland and the region called the Racecourse of Achilles .

The seventh river, the Gerrhus, separates from the +Dnepr (river), Europe Borysthenes at about the place which is the end of our knowledge of that river; at this place it separates, and has the same name as the place itself, Gerrhus; then in its course to the sea it divides the country of the Nomads and the country of the Royal Scythians, and empties into the Hypacuris.