

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Enough of marvels, and yet the land of Arabian Peninsula [45,25] (region (general)), AsiaArabia gives off a scent as sweet as if divine. They have besides two marvellous kinds of sheep, found nowhere else. One of these has tails no less than nine feet long. Were the sheep to trail these after them they would suffer by the chafing of the tails on the ground;

but every shepherd there knows enough of carpentry to make little carts which they fix under the tails, binding the tail of each sheep on its own cart. The other kind of sheep has a tail a full three feet broad.

Where south inclines westwards, the part of the world stretching farthest towards the sunset is Ethiopia [39,8] (nation), AfricaEthiopia; this produces gold in abundance, and huge elephants, and all sorts of wild trees, and ebony, and the tallest and handsomest and longest-lived people.

These then are the most distant lands in Asia (continent)Asia and Libya [17,25] (nation), AfricaLibya. But concerning those in Europe (continent)Europe that are the farthest away towards evening, I cannot speak with assurance; for I do not believe that there is a river called by foreigners +Po [12.5,44.966] (river), Italy, Europe Eridanus issuing into the northern sea, where our amber is said to come from, nor do I have any knowledge of Tin Islands, where our tin is brought from.

The very name +Po [12.5,44.966] (river), Italy, Europe Eridanus betrays itself as not a foreign but a Greek name, invented by some poet; nor for all my diligence have I been able to learn from one who has seen it that there is a sea beyond Europe (continent)Europe. All we know is that our tin and amber come from the most distant parts.