

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

For the boundary of the Median and Lydian empires was the river Halys River (river), Turkey, Asia Halys, which flows from the Armenian mountains first through Cilicia [34.333,36.666] (region (general)), Turkey, AsiaCilicia and afterwards between the Matieni on the right and the Phrygians on the other hand; then, passing these and still flowing north, it separates the Cappadocian Syrians on the right from the Paphlagonians on the left.

Thus the Halys River (river), Turkey, Asia Halys river cuts off nearly the whole of the lower part of Asia (continent)Asia from the Cyprian to the Black Sea [38,42] (sea)Euxine sea. Here is the narrowest neck of all this land; the length of the journey across for a man traveling unencumbered is five days.[*](th=s *)asi/hs ta\ ka/ta means here and elsewhere in Hdt. the western part of Asia (continent)Asia, west of the Halys River (river), Turkey, Asia Halys ( +Kizil Irmak (river), Turkey, Asia Kizil Irmak). The width from sea to sea of the au)xh/n is obviously much underestimated by Hdt., as also by later writers; the actual distance at the narrowest part is about 280 miles as the crow flies; much more than a five days' march.)

The reasons for Croesus' expedition against Cappadocia [36,38.5] (region (general)), Turkey, Asia Cappadocia were these: he desired to gain territory in addition to his own, and (these were the chief causes) he trusted the oracle and wished to avenge Astyages on Cyrus; for Cyrus, son of Cambyses, had conquered Astyages and held him in subjection.

Now Astyages, son of Cyaxares and the king of Media, was Croesus' brother-in-law: and this is how he came to be so.