

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

When they were unable to discover Orestes' tomb, they sent once more to the god[*](th\n e)s qeo/n, explained as =th\n qeo\n o(do/n. th\n e)/nqeon(= the inspired one: after e)peirhsome/nous) would be an easy correction. But all MSS. have e)s qeo/n.) to ask where he was buried. The Pythia responded in hexameter to the messengers:

  1. There is a place Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea in the smooth plain of Arcadia [22.25,37.583] (department), Peloponnese, Greece, Europe Arcadia,
  2. Where two winds blow under strong compulsion.
  3. Blow lies upon blow, woe upon woe.
  4. There the life-giving earth covers the son of Agamemnon.
  5. Bring him back, and you shall be lord of Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea.