

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

The gods care for me and show me beforehand all that is coming. Now then, I have seen in a dream in the past night your eldest son with wings on his shoulders, overshadowing Asia (continent)Asia with the one and Europe (continent)Europe with the other.

From this vision, there is no way that he is not plotting against me. Therefore hurry back to Iran [53,32] (nation), AsiaPersia, and see that when I come back after subjecting this country you bring your son before me to be questioned about this.”

Cyrus said this, thinking that Darius was plotting against him; but in fact, heaven was showing him that he himself was to die in the land where he was and Darius inherit his kingdom.

So then Hystaspes replied with this: “O King, may there not be any Persian born who would plot against you! But if there is, may he perish suddenly; for you have made the Persians free men instead of slaves and rulers of all instead of subjects of any.

But if your vision does indeed signify that my son is planning revolution, I give him to you to treat as you like.”