

Demosthenes. Vol. VII. Funeral Speech, Erotic Essay, LX, LXI, Exordia and Letters. DeWitt, Norman W. and Norman J., translators. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1949 (printing).

There was, as it seems, a time in your history, men of Athens, when the democracy compelled any man whom it observed to be prudent and honest to perform public service and to hold office, not through lack of those who wished to do so—for, while deeming the city to be fortunate in all other respects, in this one particular I consider it has never been fortunate, that the supply of those who wish to reap a harvest from the public business never fails it—but the democracy used to make out of this a fine showing for itself, creditable and profitable to the State, men of Athens.

For on the one hand, these men, the kind who hold office year after year, when earnest and upright men from a different class were given them as yokemates, used to show themselves more circumspect; and on the other hand, the kind of men among you who are honest and upright in office, but not at all of the sort to push their way and appeal for support, were not shut out of the posts of trust. But now, men of Athens, you appoint your magistrates in exactly the same manner as you appoint your priests.[*](While some priesthoods were subject to choice by lot, Dem. 59.106, the majority of them were perhaps hereditary, Dem. 59.104, and the reference is to these. For a similar complaint see Dem. Ex. 13.) Then you are amazed when this one is prosperous and that one, to your dismay, is year after year taking a rich spoil, while the rest of you go around envying these men their blessings!

For you are the worst people for taking away the offices that fall to your class, and for enacting laws about them if someone serves twice as commissioner of police[*](These ἀστυνόμοι were ten in number, five each for Athens and the Peiraeus; they were responsible for the streets but not for the markets. Cf. Aristot. Ath. Pol. 50.2.) or something of the sort, but you allow the same men to be generals all the time.[*](The last statement is confirmed by Aristot. Ath. Pol. 62.3.) There is perhaps some excuse for allowing those engaged in the active services to continue, but to allow the others, who, though doing nothing, have an endless tenure of office and are themselves endlessly benefited is folly.[*](There is a touch of tragedy and the mysteries in the diction. Perhaps better: hold an unserviceable post to the service of which they have themselves been consecrated. For similar irony cf. Dem. 13.19 τελεσθῆναι στρατηγός, to be consecrated general.) Instead, you ought to bring in some of your own number, and there are not a few of you. For if you set up a standard, as it were, anyone who is worth anything will thereafter come forward of his own accord.