For Phormio


Demosthenes. Vol. IV. Orations, XXVII-XL. Murray, A. T., translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1936 (printing).

But if, for want of proofs, he goes on uttering charges and calumnies and abuse, do not heed him, nor let his noisy talk and shamelessness lead you astray. Nay, keep in mind, and remember all that you have heard. If you do this you will be faithful to your oaths, and will save the defendant, as justice bids. By Zeus and all the gods he deserves it.

Take, and read them the law and these depositions.

The Law. The Depositions

I do not know what reason there is why I should say more; for I believe that nothing that I have said has escaped you. Pour out the water.[*](The speaker concludes without having exhausted the time allowed him; there is, therefore, water left in the water-clock. This he effectively bids the attendant to pour out. Dem. 38 closes with these same words. In Dem. 54, while depositions are being read, the attendant is bidden to check the flow of the water.)