Apophthegmata Laconica


Plutarch. Moralia, Vol. III. Babbitt, Frank Cole, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931 (printing).

The younger Agis, when Demades said that the jugglers who swallow swords use the Spartan swords because of their shortness, retorted, But all the same the Spartans reach their enemies with their swords. [*](Cf. the note on 191 E (1).)

In answer to a base man who asked repeatedly who was the best Spartan, he said, The one most unlike you. [*](Cf. the note on 190 D (4).)

Agis, the last of the kings of Sparta, was arrested as the result of treachery and condemned by the Ephors without a trial. As he was being led away to the halter he saw one of the officers weeping, and said, Stop your weeping for me, man. For in spite of my being put to death in such defiance of law and justice, I am superior to those who are taking my life. With these words he willingly offered his neck for the noose. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Agis, chaps. xix.-xx. (p. 803 C).)

Acrotatus, when his parents claimed it was his duty to co-operate with them in some unjust action, spoke in opposition up to a certain limit. But when they insisted, he said, While I was with you, I had not the slightest idea of justice; but since you have surrendered me to our country and its laws, and, besides, have had me instructed in justice and honourable conduct so far as lay in your power, I shall try to follow these rather than you. And since your wish is for me to do what is best, and since what is just is best both for a private citizen, and much more so for a ruler, I will do what you wish; but as for what you propose I shall beg to be excused. [*](Cf. a similar remark of Agesilaus, Moralia, 534 D.)

Alcamenes, the son of Teleclus, when somebody inquired how a man could best keep a kingdom secure, said, If he should not hold his own advantage too high.

When another person sought to know the reason why he did not accept gifts from the Messenians, he said, Because if I took the gifts, it would be impossible to maintain peace with impartial regard for the laws.

When someone said that he lived a straitened life while possessed of plenty of property, he said, Yes, for it is a noble thing for one who possesses much to live according to reason and not according to his desires.

Anaxandridas, the son of Leo. in answer to a man who took much to heart the sentence imposed upon him of exile from the country, said, My good sir, be not downcast at being an exile from your country but at being an exile from justice.