Apophthegmata Laconica


Plutarch. Moralia, Vol. III. Babbitt, Frank Cole, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931 (printing).

Epaenetus said that liars are to blame for all sins and crimes.

Euboedas, on hearing some men praising the wife of another man, could not stomach it, saying, In regard to a woman’s endowments there should be absolutely no talk among those outside the family. [*](Cf. the note on Moralia, 217 F, supra. )

Eudamidas, the son of Archidamus and the brother of Agis, seeing Xenocrates in the Academy,

already well oil in years, discussing philosophy with his acquaintances, inquired who the old man was. Somebody said that he was a wise man and one of the seekers after virtue. And when will he use it, said Eudamidas, if he is only now seeking for it? a

Hearing a philosopher discoursing to the effect that the wise man is the only good general, he said, The speech is admirable, but the speaker is not to be trusted; for he has never been amid the blare of trumpets. [*](Cf. the note on Moralia, 192 A, supra. )

Xenocrates had been expounding his theme, and had just reached the stopping-point when Eudamidas arrived. One of the persons with him remarked, Just when we arrive he comes to the stopping-point. Quite properly so, said Eudamidas, if he has already said all he wanted to say. It would have been nice to hear him, said the other. Indeed, said Eudamidas, and if we came to a man who had just dined, should we insist that he eat another dinner?

Someone inquired why, when the citizens professed to be all for war against the Macedonians, he himself decided in favour of keeping the peace. He replied, Because I do not need to prove that they are lying.

When another man brought up their brave successes against the Persians, and was urgent for the war, Eudamidas said, You do not seem to realize that your proposition is the same as fighting fifty wolves after overcoming a thousand sheep!

When a certain musician made a great hit, they asked Eudamidas what he thought of the man, and he replied, He has great power to charm in a trifling matter. [*]( )

When someone praised Athens, he said And who could praise that city deservedly, towards which nobody has ever felt any affection for having been made a better man by it?

When a man from Argos said that the Spartans became more unscrupulous on going abroad and being out of the control of their long-established laws, [*](Lions at home, but foxes abroad was proverbial. Cf. Plutarch’s Comparison of Lysander and Sulla, chap. iii. (476 E).) he said, But you, when you come to Sparta, do not become worse, but better.

When Alexander caused proclamation to be made at Olympia that all exiles might return to their own land, [*](In 323 B.C. Cf. Diodorus, xviii. 8.) save only the Thebans, Eudamidas said, The proclamation for you, men of Thebes, is unfortunate, but very complimentary; for it is you only that Alexander fears.

Being asked for what purpose they offered sacrifice to the Muses before hazardous ventures, he said, So that our deeds may find good words. [*](Cf.Moralia, 238 B, infra; Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus, chap. xxi. (53 D).)

Eurycratidas, the son of Anaxandridas, when someone inquired why the Ephors try cases involving contracts [*](Cf. Aristotle, Politics, iii. 1, 10 (1275 b).) each day, said, So that also amid our enemies we may trust one another.

When someone inquired why they kept the laws in regard to bravery unwritten, and did not have

them written down and thus give them to the young men to read, Zeuxidamus said, Because the young ought to accustom themselves to deeds of manly valour, a better thing than to apply their mind to writings.

When a certain Aetolian asserted that, for those who are able to play the part of real men, war is better than peace, Zeuxidamus said, By Heaven, no; but for such men death is better than life.

Herondas was at Athens when a man there was found guilty on a charge of not having any occupation, [*](On the subject see Busolt, Griechische Staatskunde (Munich, 1926), p. 815.) and, when he heard of this, he bade them point out to him the man who had been convicted of the freeman’s crime! [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus, chap. xxiv. (54 E). The free population of Sparta did no labour.)

Thearidas, as he was whetting his sword, was asked if it was sharp, and he replied, Sharper than slander.

Themisteas foretold to Leonidas, the king, the coming destruction both of himself and of his fellowsoldiers at Thermopylae, for he was a prophet. He was sent away by Leonidas to Sparta, on the pretext of announcing there what would come to pass, but in reality so that he should not suffer death with the rest. He, however, would not brook this, but said, I was sent out to fight, not to carry messages. [*](A somewhat different version is to be found in Moralia, 866 C. The original is in Herodotus, vii. 221, where the seer’s name is given as Megistias.)