Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata


Plutarch. Moralia, Vol. III. Babbitt, Frank Cole, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931 (printing).

Gnaeus Domitius, whom Scipio the Great appointed in his stead as a colleague for his brother Lucius in the war against Antiochus, when he had inspected the battle-line of the enemy, and the officers of his

staff urged him to attack at once, said that there was not time enough to hew down so many thousands, plunder their baggage, return to camp, and enjoy their usual comforts; but all this they would do on the morrow at the right time. And on the next day he engaged the enemy, and slew fifty thousand of them. [*](Cf. Appian, Roman History, the Syrian Wars, vi. 30-36; Livy, xxxviii. 39.)

Publius Licinius, consul in command of the army, was defeated by Perseus, king of the Macedonians, in a cavalry battle, with the loss of two thousand eight hundred men killed or captured. After the battle, when Perseus sent envoys regarding a treaty of peace, the vanquished bade the victor submit his case to the Romans. [*](Cf. Polybius, xxvii. 8; Livy, xlii. 62.)

Paulus Aemilius, when he was a candidate for a second term as consul, failed of election. But when the war against Perseus and the Macedonians dragged on because of the inexperience and effeminacy of the generals, the people appointed him consul. But he said he owed no thanks to them; for it was not because he wanted office, but because they wanted an officer, that he was chosen general. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. vi. (258 B), chap. ix. (259 C), chap. xi. (260 C).)

Coming home from the Forum and finding Tertia, his little daughter, in tears, he asked the reason. And she said, Our Perseus is dead. (It

was a pet dog which had that name.) Good luck be with me, my girl, said he; I accept the omen. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. x. (260 B), quoted from Cicero, De divinatione, i. 46 (103); see too Valerius Maximus, i. 5. 3.)

Finding at camp much boldness and talk on the part of would-be generals and meddlers, he told them to keep quiet, and only sharpen their swords, and he would attend to everything else.[*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. xiii. (261 F), and chap. xi. (260 C); Livy, xliv. 22 and 34.)

He gave orders that the sentinels at night should stand guard without spear or sword, so that, with no hope of defending themselves against the enemy, they might better contend against sleep. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. xiii. (262 A); Livy, xliv. 33, says without shield. )

Having invaded Macedonia by way of the mountains, and seeing the enemy standing in battle array, he said, in answer to Nasica’s urgings to attack at once, Oh yes, if I were of your age; but much experience forbids me to fight, immediately after a march, against an army standing in battle array. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. xvii. (263 F).)

Having vanquished Perseus, he said, as he was carrying out the entertainments to celebrate the victory, that it was a part of the same proficiency to provide an army most terrifying to an enemy and a party most agreeable to friends. [*](Ibid. chap. xxviii. (270 D); Moralia, 615 E. Cf. Stobaeus, Florilegium, xviii. 22.)

Perseus, having been made a prisoner, indignantly spurned the thought of being made a part of his victor’s triumph. That rests with you, said Aemilius, thereby giving him leave to make away with himself. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. xxxiv. (273 C).)

Of the unlimited treasure which was found he took nothing himself, but to his son-in-law Tubero [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chap. v. (257 C).) he gave a silver goblet of five pounds weight in recognition of his supreme valour. And this, they say, is the first silver heirloom that ever found its way into the Aelian house. [*](Ibid. chap. xxviii. (270 E); cf. also Pliny, Natural History, xxxiii. 50 (142); and Valerius Maximus, iv. 4. 9.)

Of the four male children that were born to him, two he happened to have given to others for adoption. [*](To the houses of Scipio and of Fabius.) Of the two that were at home one died five days before his triumph, at the age of fourteen, and the other five days after the triumph, at the age of twelve. When he went forth, and the people expressed their compassion and sympathy, he said that now he had no fears or misgivings about his country, since Fortune had thrust upon his house the retribution due for all their good fortune, and he had received this in behalf of all. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of Aemilius Paulus, chaps. xxxv. and xxxvi. (274 A and F); Seneca, Ad Marciam de consolatione, 13; Valerius Maximus, v. 10. 2; Velleius Paterculus, i. 10. Cicero refers briefly to Aemilius’s fortitude (De amicit, 2 (9); Tusc. Disput. iii. 28 (70); Letters, iv. 6).)

The Elder Cato, in assailing the profligacy and extravagance rife among the people, said that it was hard to talk to a belly which had no ears. [*](Cf. Moralia, 131 D and 996 D, and Plutarch’s Life of M. Cato, chap. viii. (340 A). )

He said he wondered how a city could continue to exist unscathed in which a fish sold for more than an ox ! [*](Ibid. and Moralia, 668 B.)

In bitter criticism of the prevalent domination of women, he said, All mankind rules its women,

and we rule all mankind, but our women rule us. [*](See the note on Moralia, 185 D (10), supra. )

He said that he preferred to receive no thanks when he had done a favour rather than to suffer no punishment when he had done a wrong, and that he always granted pardon to all who erred, with the single exception of himself. [*](Cf. Plutarch’s Life of M. Cato, chap. viii. (340 F).)

In trying to stimulate the officials to administer sharp rebuke to the erring, he used to say that, if those who have the power to discourage crime do not discourage it, then they encourage it. [*](Cf. the somewhat similar sentiment attributed to Pythagoras in Stobaeus, Florilegium, xlviii. 112.)

He said that it gave him more joy to see those of the youth that blushed than those that blanched. [*](Cf. Moralia, 29 E and 528 F, and the Life of M. Cato, chap. ix. (341 C).)

He said that he hated a soldier who plied his hands in marching and his feet in fighting, and whose snore was louder than his battle-cry. [*](Life of M. Cato, ibid.)

He said that the worst ruler is one who cannot rule himself. [*](Cf. Moralia, 210 F (33), infra.)

He thought it especially necessary for every man to respect himself, since no man is ever separated from himself.