Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata


Plutarch. Moralia, Vol. III. Babbitt, Frank Cole, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1931 (printing).

He ordered that the people build their houses with saw and axe only; for he knew that men are ashamed to bring into simple houses costly vessels, rugs, and tables. [*](Cf. Moralia, 227 B, infra, and Life of Lycurgus, chap. xiii. (47 B).)

He prohibited boxing and prize-fighting so that the people might not even in sport get the habit of crying off. [*](See Moralia, 228 D, infra, and cf. Life of Lycurgus, chap. xix. (52 A), and Seneca, De Beneficiis, v. 3.)

He prohibited making war upon the same people many times, so that they should not make their opponents too belligerent. And it is a fact that years later, when Agesilaus was wounded, Antalcidas said of him that he was getting a beautiful return from the Thebans for the lessons he had taught them in habituating and teaching them to make war against their will. [*](Cf. Moralia, 213 F, 217 E, 227 C, infra; Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus, chap. xiii. (47 D); Life of Pelopidas, chap. xv. (285 D); Life of Agesilaus, chap. xxvi. (610 D); Polyaenus, Strategemata, i. 16. 2.)

Charillus the king, being asked why Lycurgus enacted so few laws, replied that people who used few words had no need of many laws. [*](Cf. Moralia, 232 B, infra, and Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus, chap. xx. (52 D).)

When one of the helots conducted himself rather boldly towards him, he said, By Heaven, I would kill you if I were not angry. [*](Cf. Moralia, 232 D, infra.)

In answer to the man who inquired why he and the rest wore their hair long, he said that of all ornaments this was the least expensive. [*](Attributed to Nicander, Moralia, 230 B, and to Agesilaus by Stobaeus, Florilegium, lxv. 10.)