

Euripides. The Plays of Euripides, Translated into English Prose from the Text of Paley. Vol. I. Coleridge, Edward P., translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1906.

  1. Thy son’s surviving children will care for thee.
  1. Suppose they meet with some reverse? which Heaven forefend!
  1. These strangers will not give thee up, fear not.
  1. They are my last and only hope, I have no other.
  1. Zeus too, I feel sure, cares for thy sufferings.
  1. Ah! of Zeus will I never speak ill, but himself doth know, whether he is just to me.
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. Lo! here thou seest a full coat of mail; make haste to case thyself therein; for the strife is nigh, and bitterly doth Ares loathe loiterers; but if thou fear the weight of the armour, go for the present without it, and in the ranks
  2. do on this gear; meantime will I carry it.
  1. Well said! keep the harness ready to my hand, put a spear within my grasp, and support me on the left side, guiding my steps.
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. Am I to lead this warrior like a child?
  1. To save the omen, we must go without stumbling.
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. Would thy power to act were equal to thy zeal!
  1. Hasten; I shall feel it grievously, if I am too late for the battle.
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. ’Tis thou who art slow, not I, though thou fanciest thou art doing wonders.
  1. Dost not mark how swift my steps are hasting?
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. I mark more seeming than reality in thy haste.
  1. Thou wilt tell a different tale when thou seest me there.
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. What shall I see thee do? I wish thee all success, at any rate.
  1. Thou shalt see me smite some foeman through the shield.
Servant (of Hyllus)
  1. Perhaps, if ever we get there. I have my fears of that.