

Euripides. The Plays of Euripides, Translated into English Prose from the Text of Paley. Vol. I. Coleridge, Edward P., translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1906.

  1. But now what further hope of life can I welcome to me?
  1. Our lords have ere this done all they could; on every altar streams the blood of abundant sacrifice;
  2. yet our sorrows find no cure.
  1. Lo! from the house cometh a handmaid weeping; what shall I be told hath chanced? Grief may well be pardoned, if aught happeneth to one’s master; yet I fain would learn whether our lady
  2. still is living or haply is no more.
  1. Alive, yet dead thou may’st call her.
  1. Why, how can the same person be alive, yet dead?
  1. She is sinking even now, and at her last gasp.
  1. My poor master! how sad thy lot to lose so good a wife!
  1. He did not know his loss, until the blow fell on him.
  1. Is there then no more a hope of saving her?
  1. None; the fated day comes on so fast.
  1. Are then the fitting rites already taking place o’er her body?
  1. Death’s garniture is ready, wherewith her lord will bury her.
  1. Well let her know, though die she must, her fame ranks far above any other wife’s beneath the sun.
  1. Far above! of course it does; who will gainsay it? What must the woman be who hath surpassed her? For how could any wife have shown a clearer regard
  2. for her lord than by offering in his stead to die? Thus much the whole city knows right well; but thou shalt hear with wonder what she did within the house. For when she knew the fatal day was come, she washed her fair white skin with water from the stream,
  3. then from her cedar chests drew forth vesture and ornaments and robed herself becomingly; next,
    standing before the altar-hearth, she prayed, Mistress mine, behold! I pass beneath the earth; to thee in suppliant wise will I my latest prayer address;
  4. be mother to my orphans, and to my boy unite a loving bride, to my daughter a noble husband. Let them not die, as I, their mother, perish now, untimely in their youth, but let them live their glad lives out, happy in their native land.
  5. To every altar in Admetus’ halls she went and crowned them and prayed, plucking from myrtle boughs their foliage, with never a tear or groan, nor did her coming trouble change the colour of her comely face.
  6. Anon into her bridal bower she burst, and then her tears brake forth and thus she cried, O couch, whereon I loosed my maiden state for the man in whose cause I die, farewell! no hate I feel for thee; for me alone hast thou undone,
  7. dying as I die from fear of betraying thee and my lord. Some other wife will make thee hers, more blest maybe than me, but not more chaste. And she fell upon her knees and kissed it, till with her gushing tears the whole bed was wet.
  8. At last, when she had had her fill of weeping, she tore herself from the bed and hurried headlong forth, and oft as she was leaving the chamber turned she back and cast herself once more upon the couch; while her children were weeping as they clung to their mother’s robes;