History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

And so the soldiers, and some of the other men of consideration also, as well as the soldiery, clubbing together as before, began to reckon up their grievances; namely, that they had never yet received their full pay; that what was now given them was deficient in amount, and not even that paid regularly; that unless they either fought a decisive battle, or removed to some station [*](ὅθεν τροφὴν ἕξει.] Bekker appears to me to be fully justified in retaining ἕξει, which has so large a majority of the MSS. in its favour, in preference to ἕξειν, which Poppo, Göller, Arnold, and Bloomfield have adopted. Would not the reason alleged by Arnold against the use of the indicative here apply with equal force to ch. 86. 7, and the passage there quoted by himself, V 103. 1?) where they might have supplies, the men would desert their ships; and that for all this Astyochus was to blame, through his humouring Tissaphernes for his own profit.

While they were thus reckoning up their grievances, the following disturbance also occurred about Astyochus.

The Syracusan and Thurian seamen, inasmuch as they were, generally speaking, most free, applied to him also with the greatest boldness, and demanded their pay. He answered them somewhat haughtily, and threatened them; and indeed against Dorieus, who was supporting the plea of his own seamen, he even lifted up his baton. When the mass of the armament saw this, sailor-like, they rushed [*](ἐκραγόντες] Literally breaking out upon him; an excellent instance of the etymological meaning of our word rage. —In illustration of οἷα δὴ ναῦται, compare Eurip. Hec. 604, e)\n toi muri/w| strateu/matia)ko/lastos o)/xlos, nautikh/ t' a)narxi/a Krei/sswn puro/s.) in a rage upon Astyochus to strike him;

but he saw them in time, and fled for refuge to an altar. Notwithstanding their rage, therefore, he was not struck, but they were parted again.