History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

When, on being thus questioned, they allowed that they had not, he then said to them plainly,

This advantage, then, cannot be attained by us, if we do not adopt a more temperate policy, and put the offices into the hands of a smaller number, that the king may place confidence in us— (and that we may not consult so much at present about a form of government as about the preservation of the state; for we shall have power to alter hereafter whatever may not please us)—and, moreover, if we do not restore Alcibiades, who is the only man at present that can effect this.

The people were at first very indignant on hearing mention made of the oligarchy; but when plainly informed by Pisander that there were no other means of preservation, being afraid, and at the same time having [*](ἐλπίζων.] ʼἐπελπίζων is the reading which Bekker adopts from nine of the MSS. in the sense of building their hope on this. But as this use the word appears to belong to later writers only, it would perhaps be better (supposing the compound verb to be the genuine reading) to give the preposition its very common force of addition, having, besides their conviction of present helplessness, the hope of changing hereafter what they did not like. Compare the use of ἐπιθεραπεύων, ch. 47. 1. Or, again, it might imply the idea of a hope in reserve—an after-hope, as in ἐπίνοια and some other words e. g. Soph. Antig. 385, ψεύδει γαρ ἡ ʼπίνοια τὴν γνώμην.) hopes of changing it again, they gave way.