History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

And thus amongst the troops of the Athenians, as long as they ware fighting at sea on equal terms, every sound might be heard at once, wailing, shouting,

they conquer,
they are conquered,
and all the other various exclamations which a great armament in great peril would be constrained to utter—

very much in the same way as their men on board their ships were affected—until at length, after the battle had continued for a long time, the Syracusans and their allies routed the Athenians, and pressing on them in a decisive manner, with much shouting and cheering of each other on, pursued them to the shore.

Then the sea forces, as many as were not taken afloat, put in to the land at different parts, and rushed from on board to the camp; while the army, no longer with any different feelings, but all on one impulse, lamenting and groaning, deplored the event, and proceeded, some to succour the ships, others to guard what remained of their wall; while others, and those the greatest part, began now to think of themselves, and how they should best provide for their own preservation.