History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

and that the Athenians may the less easily send reinforcements to their troops. And for that purpose you must fortify Decelea, in Attica; a blow of which the Athenians have always been most afraid, and the only one which they think they have not experienced in the present war.

And in that way would one most surely hurt his enemies, if, acting on certain information, he should inflict upon them those things which he knows them to fear most: for it is but reasonable that every people should know most accurately its own dangers, and fear them accordingly. But with regard to the difficulties which, while you benefit yourselves, you will create for your opponents by thus fortifying the place, though I pass over many, I will briefly mention the chief.

Whatever then the country is stocked with, the greater part will come to you, either through being captured, or [*](τὰ δ᾽ αὐτόματα,] i. e. the slaves, which I believe to be chiefly alluded to by the expression οἷς ἡ χώρα κατεσκεύασται, (see note on ch. 17. 3,) though it may also include, as Arnold supposes, cattle, sheep, farm-houses, trees, and other articles of dead as well as live stock.) of their own accord. They will also at once be deprived of their revenues from the silver mines at Laurium, with the advantages they now derive from their land and their [*](δικαστηρίων,] i. e. in various fees and fines; on which see Boeckh Publ. Oecon. 1. p. 250.) courts of justice; but, especially, of the revenue from the allies, which will be less regularly paid by them, when they consider that the war on your part is now vigorously prosecuted, and so think lightly of them. To have each of these things done with greater speed and spirit rests with you, Lacedaemonians; for that they are possible I am very confident, and I do not think that I shall be proved to have been mistaken.