History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

season. They sent at this time a trireme to Carthage with proposals of friendship, on the chance of their obtaining any help, and another to Tyrrhenia, as some of its cities had of their own accord offered to join them in the war. They also despatched messengers about to the Sicels, and likewise to Segesta, desiring that they would forward to them as many horses as

possible; while they also prepared for the circumvallation bricks, iron, and all other requisites, intending to commence hostilities in the spring. The Syracusan ambassadors, on the other hand, who had been despatched to Corinth and Lacedaemon, both endeavoured, as they coasted along, to persuade the Greeks of Italy not to look with in difference on the proceedings of the Athenians, since they were aimed equally at themselves, and when they were come to Corinth, delivered an address to them, begging for assistance on the ground of their

connexion. The Corinthians immediately, in the first place, themselves voted to assist them with the greatest zeal, and then sent envoys with them to Lacedaemon, to join in persuading that people also both to carry on the war with the Athenians more openly at home, and to send succours to