History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

Isagoras, however, Ameinias, and Aristeus, themselves came to Brasidas, being commissioned by the Lacedaemonians to inspect the state of affairs; and took from Sparta, in opposition to the spirit of their laws, some of their young men, with a view to appointing them to the command in the cities, instead of intrusting it to any that might happen to be there at present. Accordingly, he appointed Clearidas son of Cleonymus to the command in Amphipolis, and Pasitelidas son of Hegesander in Torone.

The same summer, the Thebans dismantled the wall of the Thespians, on a charge of their favouring the Athenians; having always wished to do it, but finding it more easy at that time, since all the flower of their population had fallen in the battle against the Athenians.

The temple of Juno at Argos was also burnt down that same summer, in consequence of Chrysis the priestess having placed a lighted torch near the garlands, and fallen asleep after it; so that they all caught fire, and were in a flame before she perceived it.

Chrysis immediately, the same night, fled to Phlius, in her fear of the Argives; who, according to the law laid down on the subject, appointed another priestess, by name Phaeinis. The priesthood of Chrysis, at the time she fled, embraced eight years of this war, and to the middle of the ninth.

And now, towards the close of the summer, Scione was entirely invested; and the Athenians, having left a garrison to keep watch over it, returned with the rest of their army.

The following winter, the Athenians and Lacedaemonians remained quiet, in consequence of the armistice; but the Mantineans and Tegeans, with the allies on both sides, fought a battle at Laodicium, in the district of Oresthis, and the victory was doubtful; for each side having put to flight one of the enemy's wings which was opposed to them, they both erected trophies, and sent spoils to Delphi.