History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

On his return from Macedonia, Brasidas found the Athenians already in possession of Mende; and remaining quiet there, though he considered himself unable to cross over into Pallene, and assist it, he kept watch over Torone.

For about the same time as the campaign in Lyncus, the Athenians sent the expedition against Mende and Scione, as they were preparing to do, with fifty ships, ten of which were Chians, and one thousand heavy-armed of their own, six hundred bowmen, one thousand Thracian mercenaries, and others of their allies from that country serving as targeteers, under the command of Nicias son of Niceratus, and Nicostratus son of

Diitrephes. After advancing from Potidaea with their ships, they came to land opposite the temple of Neptune, and proceeded against the Mendaeans. They, both themselves and three hundred Scionaeans who had come to their aid, and the Peloponnesian auxiliaries, seven hundred heavy-armed in all, with Polydamidas their commander, were encamped outside the city on a strong