History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

For it is your proper characterr to be brave in warlike operations, not from the presence of allies in each case, but from your own native valour; and to fear no number of your enemies whatever: [*]( I venture to differ from all the editors whose opinion I generally follow, in thinking that there is no need to consider οὐ as carelessly introduced here, either by Thuoydides himself, or by his copyists. The perfect agreement of all the MSS. in retaining it renders the latter supposition exceedingly improbable: and though our author is doubtless sometimes careless, there is no reason for assuming that he was so in this passage, if his words can be explained on any other view of them. And such I think is the case, if the relative clause be taken as more particularly referring to πολιτειῶν, instead of being regarded as explanatory of τοιούτων. The meaning of the latter word will then be of such a character as to warrant your entertaining any such fear of superior numbers. When the passage is read with the stress on πολιτειῶν, which its prominent position seems to require, I cannot but think that this interpretation will appear most natural) since neither are the governments from which you come of such a character—governments in which the many do not rule the few, but rather the smaller number the greater, having acquired their power by no other means than by being victorious in battle.

But with regard to barbarians, of whom you are now afraid through inexperience, you ought to know, both from the contest you have already had with those of them who are Macedonians, and from what I myself conjecture, and indeed have ascertained from hearsay, that they will not prove formidable.

For with regard to such points in an enemy as have an appearance of strength, while they are in reality weak, when correct information is gained respecting them, it rather gives confidence to those who resist them: whereas in the case of those who have any solid advantage, men would meet them the more boldly from having no previous acquaintance with them.