History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

The Melians form, in all, three tribes, the Paralians, Hiereans, and Trachinians. Of these, the Trachinians, having been reduced to great weakness by the Aetaeans, who border on them, intended at first to give themselves up to the Athenians; but afterwards, fearing that they could not be trusted by them, they sent to Lacedaemon, having chosen Tisamenus as their envoy.

They were joined in the embassy by the Dorians also, the mother-state of the Lacedaemonians, with the same petition; for they, too, were much injured by the Aetaeans.

On hearing their request, the Lacedaemonians determined to send out this colony, from a wish to assist both the Trachinians and the Dorians. Besides, they thought the town would be placed advantageously for them with respect to the war with the Athenians; for a fleet might be equipped so as to have a short passage to Euboea, and it would be useful for marching to Thrace. Indeed on all accounts they were anxious to found the place. They first consulted therefore the god at Delphi;

and on his advising them to do it, they despatched the settlers, taken both from their own citizens and from the Perioeci, and gave permission to any of the rest of the Greeks that wished to accompany them, except Ionians, Achaeans, and some other races. Three of the Lacedaemonians led them as founders of the colony, Leon, Alcidas, and Damagon.