History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

To this effect spoke Cleon. After him Diodotus son of Eucrates, who in the former assembly spoke most strongly against putting the Mytilenaeans to death, came forward then also, and said as follows.

"I neither blame those who have a second time proposed the discussion of the case of the Mytilenaeans, nor commend those who object to repeated deliberation on the most important subjects; but I think that the two things most opposed to good counsel are hasten and passion one of which is generally the companion of folly, and the other of coarseness and narrowness of mind.

And whoever contends that words are not to be the exponents of measures, is either wanting in understanding, or self-interested: wanting in understanding if he thinks it possible to express himself many other way on what is future and not certain; self-interested, if, when wishing to persuade to something base, he thinks that he could not speak to his credit on a discreditable subject, but that by clever calumniation he might confound both his opponents and audience. But most cruel of all are those who charge us besides with a display [of rhetoric] for pecuniary motives.

For if the only imputed ignorance, he who failed in carrying his point would retire with a character for want of understanding, rather than of honesty: but when a charge of dishonesty is brought against him, if successful, he is suspected; and if unsuccessful, together with his inability, le is also thought dishonest.