History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

The same summer the Aetolians, having before [the invasion of their country] sent as envoys to Corinth and Lacedaemon, Tolophus the Ophionean, Boriades the Eurytanian, and Tisander the Apodotian, persuaded them to send them an army to attack Naupactus, because it had brought the Athenians against them.

And the Lacedaemonians despatched about autumn three thousand heavy-armed of the allies; five hundred of whom were from Heraclea, their newly founded city in Trachis. Eurylochus, a Spartan, had the command of the force, accompanied by Macarius and Menedaeus, who were also Spartans;

When the army had assembled at Delphi, Eurylochus sent a herald to the Locri Ozole; for the route to Naupactus was through their territory, and moreover he wished to make them revolt from the Athenians.

Those amongst the Locrians who most forwarded his views were the Amphissians, who were alarmed in consequence of the enmity of the Phocians. These first gave hostages themselves, and persuaded the rest to do so, in their fear of the invading army; first the Myoneans, who were their neighbours, (for on this side Locris is most difficult to enter,) then the Ipneans, Messapians, Tritaens, Chalaeans, Tolophonians, Hessians, and Oeantheans. All these joined the expedition also. The Olpnaean gave hostages, but did not accompany them; while the Hyaeans refused to give hostages, till they took a village belonging to them, called Polis.

When every thing was prepared, and he had placed the hostages at Cytinium in Doris, he advanced with his army against Naupactus, through the territory of the Locrians; and on his march took Oeneon, one of their towns, and Eupalium; for they refused to surrender.