History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

Of the cavalry the Odrysians themselves furnished the largest portion; next to them, the Getae. Of the infantry, the most warlike were those armed with swords, the independent tribe that came down from Rhodope; the rest of the mixed multitude that followed him, was far more formidable for its numbers than any thing else.

They mustered, then, at Doberus, and made their preparations for bursting from the highland down upon the lower Macedonia, which formed the dominion of Perdiccas.

For under the name of Macedonians are included also the Lyncestae and Elemiotae, and other highland tribes, which are in alliance with the lowlanders and subject to them, but have separate kingdoms of their own.

But the Macedonia along the coast, now properly so called, was first acquired and governed by Alexander, the father of Perdiccas, and his ancestors, who were originally of the family of Temenus of Argos. These expelled by force of arms the Pierians from Pieria, who afterwards lived under Mount Pangaeus, beyond the Strymon, in Phagres and some other places (and even now the country under Pangaeus down to the sea continues to be called the Pierian Gulf). They also drove out of the country called Bottia, the Bottiaeans, who now live on the confines of the Chalcidians;