History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

When the Plataeans had spoken thus much, Archidamus took them up and said:

You speak what is just, Plataeans, if you act in accordance with your speech. As then Pausanias bequeathed to you, so both enjoy independence yourselves, and assist in liberating the rest, as many as shared the dangers of that day, and are now under the rule of the Athenians; and for whose liberation, and that of the rest [of their subjects], all this provision and war has been undertaken. Do you then yourselves abide by the oaths, by taking your part in this liberation, if possible; but if not, then, as we before proposed, keep quiet in the enjoyment of your own possessions, and do not join either side, but receive both as friends, and for warlike purposes neither the one nor the other.

And this will satisfy us.
Thus much said Archidamus. The Plataeans having heard it went into the city, and after communicating to the whole people what had been said, answered him, that it was impossible for them to do what he proposed without consulting the Athenians; for their children and wives were with them; and that they had also fears for the whole city, lest when the Lacedaemonians had retired, the Athenians should come and not leave it in their hands; or the Thebans, as being included in the treaty, on the strength of their
receiving both parties,
should again endeavour to seize on it.