History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

As soon as the signals on each side were raised, they closed, and fought; both sides having many heavy-armed on the decks, and many bowmen and dartmen; as they were still rudely equipped in the old fashion.

And the battle was well contested; not so much in point of skill, but more like a land fight.

For whenever they happened to run on board one another, they did not easily get clear again, owing to the numbers and confusion of the ships; and because they trusted for victory, in a greater measure, to the heavy-armed on deck, who set to and fought, [*]( Bloomfield says that καταστάντες denotes maintaining the ' pugna stataria,' fighting hand to hand. Such a meaning may perhaps be inferred from the following words, ἡσυχαζουσῶν τῶν νεῶν; but I think nothing more is intended than might be otherwise expressed by ἐς μάχην κατέστησαν. Compare the expression καταστάντες ἐπολέμουν. II. 1; and V. 4, 5.) while the ships remained stationary. There was no breaking through the line, but they fought with fierceness and strength, more than with science.