History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

For he who shrinks from this course for love of pleasure, would most quickly be deprived of the delights of indolence, for which he shrinks from it, should he remain quiet; and he who in war becomes grasping through success, does not reflect that he is buoyed up by a confidence that cannot be trusted.

For many measures, though badly planned, have yet succeeded, through [*]( See note on I. 32. 3.) the adversary being still worse advised; and still more have there been which, though seeming to be well arranged, have on the contrary come to a disgraceful issue. For no one [*]( I have followed Göller's reading of ὁμοία; Arnold prefers ὁμοῖα considering it as dependent on the two verbs ἐνθυμεῖται and ἐπεξέρχεται. What we speculate on in our expectations, and what we accomplish in our practice, are wholly different from each other. My chief reason for preferring the former interpretation is, that the article is only used with πίστει, and not with both nouns, as I think it usually is in other passages, where there is so marked an opposition between them: e. g. I. 71. 1. οἵι ἄν τῇ μὲν παρασκευῇ δίκαια πράσσωσι, τῇ δὲ γνώμῃ κ. τ. λ. II. 11. 6. τῇ δὲ ἀεὶ ἐν τῇ πολεμία, τῇ μὲν γνώμῃ θαρσαλέους στρατεύειν, τῷ δὲ ἔργῳ δεδιότας παρασκευάζεσθαι. Unless it is omitted in both cases, as I. 85. 5. τὰς τῶν πολεμίων παρασκευὰς λόγῳ καλῶς μεμφόμενοι ἀνομοίως ἔργῳ επεξιέναι. For other instances of ὁμοῖος with the force here given to it, see note on ch. 30. 5.) conceives his plans with [only] the same degree of confidence as he carries them out in action; but we form our opinions in security, [and therefore with assurance;] whereas we fail in action through fear.

"Now as for ourselves, we are at the present time preparing for war because we are injured, and have sufficient grounds of complaint;

and when we have avenged ourselves on the Athenians, we will lay it down again in good time. And for many reasons it is likely that we should have the advantage; first, as we are superior in numbers and military experience;

and secondly, as we all proceed with equal obedience to do what we are ordered. And for a fleet, in which they are so strong, we will equip one from the property we severally possess, and from the money at Delphi and Olympia; for by contracting a loan of that we shall be able, by means of higher pay, to rob them of their foreign sailors. For the power of the Athenians is mercenary, rather than native: but ours would be less exposed to this, as it is strong in men more than in money.