History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

So they went out, themselves, and their children, and their wives; and the Athenians received them, on the strength of the hatred they now felt for the Lacedaemonians, and settled them at Naupactus, which they had lately taken from the Locri Ozolae who held it.

The Megareans also came over into alliance with the Athenians, having revolted from the Lacedaemonians, because the Corinthians were pressing them with war about the boundaries of their territory. And the Athenians received possession of Megara and Pegae, and built for the Messenians the long walls from the city to Nisaea, and themselves manned them. And it was chiefly from this that their excessive hatred of the Athenians first began to be felt by the Corinthians.

Now Inarus, the son of Psammetichus, the Libyan king of the Libyans bordering on Egypt, having his headquarters at Maraea, the city above Pharos, caused the greater part of Egypt to revolt from king Artaxerxes, and being himself made ruler of it, invited the Athenians to his aid.