History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

Some time after it happened that the Thasians revolted from them, having quarrelled about the marts on the opposite coast of Thrace and the mine of which they were in possession. And the Athenians, having sailed with their fleet to Thasos, gained the victory in a sea-fight, and made a descent on their land.

About the same time they sent ten thousand settlers of their own citizens and the allies to the Strymon, to colonize what was then called the Nine Ways, but new Amphipolis; and they made themselves masters of the Nine Ways, which was held by the Edones; but having advanced into the interior of Thrace, were cut off at Drabescus, a town of the Edones, by the united Thracians, by whom the settlement of the town of Nine Ways was regarded with hostility.

The Thasians, having been conquered in some engagements, and being invested, called the Lacedaemonians to their aid, and desired that they would assist them by invading Attica.

They promised to do so, without letting the Athenians know, and intended it; but were prevented by the earthquake which took place; on which occasion also they saw the Helots, and the Thurians and oethieans amongst the Perioeci, [*]( i.e. the inhabitants of the districts adjacent to the capital; or the dependent Achaian population of Laconia in general, as distinct from their Dorian conquerors, the Spartans. For a fuller account of them see Arnold's note, and Appendix 2.) establish themselves in revolt at Ithome. [*]( See note on ch. 87. 2.) Most of the Helots were the descendants of the old Messenians who were enslaved at that time [with which all are acquainted [*]( These words, explanatory of the τότε, are adopted from Göller.) ]:

and for this reason the whole body of them were called Messenians. A war then was commenced by the Lacedaemonians against those in Ithome: and the Thasians in the third year of the siege came to terms with the Athenians, throwing down their wall, and delivering up their ships, and agreeing both to pay immediately the sum of money required, and to pay tribute in future, and surrendering their mainland towns and the mine.