

Xenophon, creator; Xenophon in Seven Volumes Volumes 2-3 Anabasis; Brownson, Carleton L. (Carleton Lewis), b. 1866, translator; Brownson, Carleton L. (Carleton Lewis), b. 1866, editor, translator

He, therefore, Heracleides went on, being your neighbour, will be best able to do you good or harm. Hence if you are wise, you will present to him whatever you bring with you; and it will be better for you than if you make your gifts to Medocus, who dwells far away. It was in this way that he tried to persuade these people.

Next he came up to Timasion the Dardanian,—for he heard that he had some Persian drinking cups and carpets,—and said that it was customary when Seuthes invited people to dinner, for those who were thus invited to give him presents. And, he continued, in case this Seuthes becomes a great man in this region, he will be able either to restore you to your home[*](Timasion was an exile (Xen. Anab. 5.6.23).) or to make you rich here. Such were the solicitations he used as he went to one man after another.

He came up to Xenophon also, and said to him: You are a citizen of a very great state and your name is a very great one with Seuthes; perhaps you will expect to obtain fortresses in this land, as others among your countrymen have done,[*](Especially Alcibiades (Xen. Hell. 1.5.17, Nepos Alc. 7).) and territory; it is proper, therefore, for you to honour Seuthes in the most magnificent way.

It is out of good-will to you that I give this advice for I am quite sure that the greater the gifts you bestow upon this man, the greater the favours that you will receive at his hands. Upon hearing this Xenophon was dismayed; for he had come across from Parium with nothing but a boy and money enough for his travelling expenses.