De Incredibilibus (excerpta Vaticana)

Anonymi Paradoxographi

Anonymi Paradoxographi. Rationalizing Myth in Antiquity, Hawes, Greta, author and translator. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014

It is a poetic fabrication that the object guarded in Colchis was a truly golden fleece; it was a book written on leather containing instructions on how to produce gold through alchemy. And so, in all likelihood, the men of that time called it ‘golden’ because of the alchemical power it possessed.

Apollo and Poseidon are said to have built the walls of Troy. But this is not so: rather, Laomedon built the city in an impious way. There was an exceptionally revered temple of Apollo and Poseidon on the acropolis; he plundered it and spent the money on building the walls.