Historia Ecclesiastica

Eusebius of Caesarea

Eusebius. Historia Ecclesiastica, Volumes 1-2. Lake, Kirsopp, translator; Oulton, J.E.L., translator. London; New York: William Heinemann, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1926-1932.



The Sixth Book of the Ecclesiastical History contains the following:

I. On the persecution under Severus.

II. Οn Οrigen’s training from boyhood.

ΙII. How he set forth the word of Christ when quite young.

IV. How many of those insructed by him were elevated to the rank of martyrs.

V. Οn Potamiaena.

VI. On Clement the Alexandrian.

VII. Οn Judas, a writer.

VIII. On Origen's rash act.

IX. On the miraeles of Narcissus.

X. On the bishops at Jerusalem.

XI. Οn Alexander.

XII. Οn Serapion and his extant works.

XIII. On the treatises Of Clement.

XIV. What Scriptures he mentioned.

XV. Οn Heraclas.

XVI. How Origen laboured at the divine Scriptures.


XVII. Οn symmaehus the translator.

XVIII. Οn Αmbrose.

XIX. What things are mentioned concerning Origen.

XX. What books of the mcn of that day are extant.

XXI. What bishops were well known in the time of these persons.

XXII. What works of Hippolytus have reached us.

XXIII. Οn Origen's zeal, and how he was deemed worthy of the presbyterate in the Church.

XXIV. The commentaries he wrote at Alexandria.

XXV. Ηow he mentioned the Canonical Scriptures.

XXVI. Ηow the bishops regarded him.

XXVII. Ηow Ηeraelas succeeded to the episcopate of the Alexandrians.

XXVIII. Οn the persecution under Maximin.

XXIX. Οn Fabian, how he was miraculously designated bishop of the Romans by God.

XXX. What pupils of Origen there have been.

XXXI. On Africanus.

XXXII. The commentaries that Origen wrote at Caesarea in Ρalertine.

XXXIII. Οn the error or Beryllus.

XXXIV. What happened under Philopl.

XXXV. How Dionysius succeeded Ηeraclas in the episcopate.

XXXVI. Οther works composed by Οrigen.


XXXVII. Οn the dissension of the Arabians.

XXXVIII. Οn the heresy of the Helkesaites.

XXIX. Οn what happened under Decius.

XL. Οn what befell Dionysius.

XLI. On those that suffered martyrdom Alexandira itself.

XLII. On the other martyrdoms which Dionysius relates.

XLIII. Οn Novatus, his manner of life, and his heresy.

XLIV. Α story of Dionysius about Serapion.

XLV. Letter of Dionysius to Novatus.

XLVI. Οn the other letters of Dionysius.




1. Νow when Severus also was stirring up persecution against the churches, in every place splendid martyrdoms of the champions of piety were accomplished, but with especial frequency at Alexandria. Thither, as to some great arena, were escorted from Εgypt and the whole Thebais God's champions, who, through their most stedfast endurance in divers tortures and modes of death, were wreathed with the crowns laid up with God. Αmong these was Leonides, known as “the father of Οrigen,’’ who was beheaded, leaving his son behind him quite young. It will not be out of place to deseribe briefly how deliberately the mind was set on the Divine Word from that early age, especially as the story about him has received exceedingly widespread notoriety.

II. Μany indeed, would there be to say, if one were to attempt at leisure to hand down in writing the man's life, and the narrative concerning him would require also a work of its own. Nevertheless, on the present occasion abridging most things as briefly as may be, we shall state some few of the facts concerning him,

gathering what we set forth from certain letters and information derived from pupils of his, whose lives have been preserved even to our day.

In the case of Origen I think that even the facts from his very cradle,1 so to speak, are worthy mention. For Severus was in the tenth year of his reigh,2 and Laetus was governor of Alexandria the rest of Εgypt, and Demetrius had just then received the episcopate οf the communities there in succession to Julian. When, therefore, the flame οf persecution was kindled to a fierce blaze, and countless numbers were being wreathed with the crowns οf martyrdom, Origen's soul was with such a passion for martyrdom, while he was still quite a boy, that he was all eagerness to come to close quarters with danger, and to leap forward and rush into the conflict. In fact, it were but a very little step and the end of his life was at hand, had not the divine and heavenly providence, acting for the general good through his mother, stood in the way of his zeal. She, at all events, at first had recourse to verbal entreaties, bidding him spare a mother's feelings; then, when he learnt that his father had been captured and was kept in prison, and his whole being was set on the desire for martyrdom, perceiving that his purpose was more resolute than ever, she hid all his clothes, and so laid upon him the necessity of remaining at home. Αnd since nothing else remained for him to do, and a zeal, intense beyond his years, suffered him not to be quiet, he sent to his father a letter on martyrdom most strongly urging him οn, in which he advises him in these very words, saying : “Take care to to change [*](1 Lit. “swaddling-clothes.” 2 Α. D. 203.)

thy mind on account.’’ Let this be recorded as the first proof of Origen's boyish readiness of mind and genuine love of godliness. For indeed in the study of the faith also he had already laid down a good foundation, having been trained in the divine Scriptures from the from the time that he was still a boy. Certainly it was no ordinary amount of labour that he bestowed on these, since his father, in addition to the customary curriculum, took pains that these also should be for him no secondary matter. On all occasions, for example, he kept urging him before beginning his secular1 lessons to train himself in the sacred studies, exacting from him each day learning by heart and repetition. Αnd this the boy did with no lack of willingness, nay, he worked with even excessive zeal at these studies, so that he was not satisfied with reading the sacred words in a simple and literal manner, but sought something further, and busied himself, even at that age, with deeper speculations, troubling his father by his questions as to what could be the inner meaning of the inspired Scripture. Αnd his father would rebuke him ostensibly to his face, counselling him to seek nothing beyond his years nor anything further than the manifest meaning; but secretly in himself he rejoiced greatly, and gave profound thanks to God, the Αuthor of all good things, that Ηe had deemed him worthy to be the father of such a boy. Αnd it is said that many a time he would stand over the sleeping boy and uncover his breast, as if a divine spirit were enshrined therein, and kissing it with reverence count himself happy in his goodly offspring. [*](1 Ἑλληνικῶν, “pagan’’; cf. the use of the word in 2 Mace. iv. 10)
These are the stories, and others akin to these, that they tell about Origen's boyhood.

But when his father had been perfected by martyrdom, he was left destitute with his mother and six smaller brothers, when he was not quite seventeen. His father's property was confiscated for the imperial treasury, and he found himself, along with his ralatives, in want of the necessaries of life. Yet he was deemed worthy of divine aid, and met with welcome and refreshment from a certain lady, very rich in this world's goods, and otherwise distinguished, who nevertheless was treating with honour a wellknown person, one of the heretics at Alexandria at that time Ηe was an Antiochene by race, but the lady we have mentioned kept him at her house as her adopted son, and treated him with especial honour. But although Origen of necessity had to consort with him, he used to give clear proofs of his orthodoxy, at that age, in the faith. For though very great numbers, not only of heretics but also of our own people, were gathered together with Ρaul (for that was the man's name), attracted by his apparent skilfulness in speech, Origen could never be persuaded to associate with him in prayer, keeping the rule οf the Church, even from boyhood, and “loathing’’ — the very word he himself uses somewhere— teachings of the heresies. Ηis father had brought him forward in secular studies, and after his death he applied himself wholly with renewed zeal to a literary training, so that he had a tolerable amount οf pronciency in letters; and, not not after his father's perfecting, by dint of application to these

studies, he was abundantly supplied, for a person of his years, with the necessaries of of life.

III. Αnd while he was devoting himself to teaching, as he himself informs us somewhere in writing, since there was no one at Alexandria set apart for catechetical instruction (for all had been driven away by the threat of the persecution), some of the heathen approached him to hear the word of God. Of these Plutrach is pointed out as being the first, who after a noble life was adorned also with a divine martyrdom; and the second, Heraclas, Plutarch's brother. Ηe also, in his own person, afforded a noteworthy example of a philosophic life and of discipline, and was deemed worthy of the bishopric of Αlexandrians in succession to Demetrius. Origen was in his eighteenth year 1 when he came to preside over the catechetical school, and at this time also he came into prominence when the persecutions were going on under Aquila, the governor of Alexandria.2 Then also he won himself an exceedingly wide reputation among all those who were οf the faith, by the kindly help and goodwill that he displayed towards all the holy martyrs, unknown and known alike. For he was present not only with the holy martyrs who were in prison, not only with those who were under examination right up to the final sentence, but also when they were being led away afterwards to their death, using great boldness and coming to close quarters with danger; so that, as he courageously drew near and with great boldness greeted the martyrs with a kiss, many a time the heathen multitude round about in its fury went near to stoning him, but for the fact that time after time he found the divine right hand to help him, and so

escaped marvellously; and this same divine and heavenly grace οn other occasions again and — it is impossible to say how οften—Ρreserved him safely, when plots were laid against him at that time because of his excessive Ζeal and boldness for the word of Christ. Αnd so great, then, was the war of unbelievers against him, that soldiers were placed in groups for his protection 1 round the house where he abode, because of the number of those who were receiving instruction from him in the sacred faith. Thus day by day the persecution against him blazed, so that there was no longer any place for him in the whole city; from house to house he passed, but was driven from all sides, on account of the numbers who through him came οver to the divine teaching. For in his practical conduct were to be found to a truly marvellous degree the right actions of a most genuine philosophy (for—as the saying goes—“ as was his speech, so was the manner of life’’ 2 that he displayed, and “as his manner of life, so his speech’’), and it was especially for this reason that, with the co-operation of the divine power, he brought so very to share his zeal.

Αnd when he saw still more pupils coming to him (for the task of instruction had been entrusted by Demetrius, the president of the church, to him alone), considering that the teaching of letters3 was not consonant with training in the divine studies, without more ado he broke off the task of teaching letters,3 as being unprofitable and opposed to sacred study; and then, for the good reason that he might never be in need of others’ assistance, he disposed of all the [*](1 Or “with a view to capturing him.” 2 cf. Ρlato, Repub. 400 D. 3 Or “literature.” )

volumes οf ancient literature which formerly he so fondly cherished, content if he who purchased them brought him four obols a day. For a great number οf years he continued to live like a philosopher in this wise, putting aside everything that might lead to youthful lusts; all day long his discipline was to perform labours of no light character, and the greater part of the night he devoted himself to studying the divine Scriptures; and he persevered, as far as possible, in the most philosophic manner of life, at οne time disciplining himself by fasting, at another measuring οut the time for sleep, which he was careful to take, never on a couch, but οn the floor. Αnd above all he considered that those sayings οf the Saviour in the Gospel οught to he kept which exhort us not [to provide] two coats nor to use shoes, nor, indeed, to be worn οut with thoughts about the future. Yea, he was possessed οf a zeal beyond his years, and by persevering in cold and nakedness and going to the extremest limit οf poverty, he greatly astounded his followers, causing grief to numbers who besought him to share their goods, when they saw the labour that he bestowed οn teaching divine things. But he was not one to slacken enduranee. Ηe is said, for example, to have walked ror many years without using a shoe οf any description, yea more, to have refrained for a great many years from the use of wine and all except necessary food, so that he actually incurred the risk of upsetting and injuring his stomach.1

[*](1 So the translation of Rufinus; but no exact parallel can be adduced for the meaning here given to θώραξ.)

Αnd by displaying proofs such as these οf a philosophic life to those who saw him, he naturally stimulated a large number of his pupils to a like zeal, so that, even among the unbelieving Gentiles and those from the ranks of learning and philosophy, some persons of no small account were won by his instruction. By his ageney these very persons received the faith of the divine Word truly in the depths of the soul, and were conspicuous at the persecution then taking place; insomuch that even some οf them were arrested and perfected by martyrdom.

IV. The first of these, then, was Plutarch, he whom we mentioned a little while ago.1 As this man was being led οn the way to death, he οf whom we have been speaking, being present with him to the very end of his life, was again almost killed by his fellow- citizens, as being clearly responsible for his death. But οn that occasion also he was kept by the will of God.2 Αnd, after Plutarch, Serenus was the second οf Origen's pupils to show himself a martyr, having through fire given the proof of the faith he had received. From the same school Heraclides was the third martyr, and after him Ηero, the fourth; the former of these was still a eatechumen, the latter lately baptized. Both were beheaded. Further, in addition to these, from the same school was proclaimed a fifth champion of piety, one serenus, a different person from the first-mentioned of that name. It is recorded that after very great endurance of torture his head was taken off. Αnd, among the women, Ηerais, who was still under instruction for baptism, as Οrigen himself sayssomewhere, “received the baptism by fire,” and so ended her life.


v. Seventh among them must be numbered Basilides, who led away the famous Potamiaena. The praise οf this woman is to this day still loudly sung by her fellow-countrymen, as of one who on of the chastity and virginity of her body, in which excelled, contended much with lovers (for assuredly her body, as well as her mind, was in the full bloom of its youthful beauty); as of one who endured much, and at the end, after tortures that were terrible and fearful to relate, was perfected by fire, along with her mother Marcella. Ιt is said, in fact, that the judge, whose name was Aquila, after inflicting severe tortures upon her entire body, at last threatened to hand her over to the gladiators for bodily insult, and that, when after a brief period of reflection she was asked what her decision was, she made a reply which involved from their point of view something profane. No sooner had she spoken than she received the sentence, and Basilides, being one of those serving in the army, took her and led her away to death. And as the crowed tried to annoy her, and insult her with shameful words, he kept restraining them and driving away the insulters, displaying the greatest pity and kindness towards her. She on her part accepted his fellow-feeling for her and bade him be of cheer, for that she would ask him from her Lord, when she departed, and before long would requite him for what he had done for her. Thus speaking [it is said], she right nobly endured the end, boiling pitch being poured slowly and little by little over different parts of her body from head to toe. Such was the contest waged by this maiden celebrated in

song. Αnd not long afterwards, when Basilides was ked by his felleow-soldiers to swear for some reason οther, he stoutly affirmed that swearing was οlutely forbidden in his case, for that he was a ristian and acknowledged it openly. Αt first, deed, for a time they thought he was jesting, but hen he continued stedfastly to affirm it, they ought him to the judge. Αnd when he admitted e constancy [of his profession] in his presence, he as committed to prison. when his brethren in God e to and inquired the reason of this sudden d incredible impulse, it is said that he stated that ee days after her martyrdom Potamiaena appeared him by night, wreathing his head with a crown and saying that she had called upon the Lord for him, and obtained what she requerted, and that before ng she would take him to herself. Thereupon the brethren imparted to him the seal in the Lord, and n the day afterwards he gave notable testimony for the Lord and was beheaded. Αnd it is related that many others of those at Alexandria came over all at οnce to the word of Christ in the time of the persons mentioned, because Ρotamiaena appeared to them in dreams and invited thern. But this must suffice.

VI. Ρantaenus was succeeded by Clement, who directed the instruction at Alexandria up to such a date that Origen also was one of his pupils. In fact lement, when compiling his Stromateis, in the first k displays a chronological table, using the death of Commodus as a terminus in measuring his dates 1; so that it is clear that the work was composed by him [*](1 clem. Strom. i. 21 (139, 140, 144).)

under Severus, whose time this present account is describing.

VII. Αt this time Judas also, another writer, composed a written discourse on the seventy weeks in the book of Daniel; he stops his record of time at the tenth year of the reign of Severus. Ηe also was of the opinion that the much talked of coming of the antichrist was then already near. So strongly did the persecution which was then stirred up against us disturb the minds of the many.

VIII. Αt that time, while Οrigen was performing the work of instruction at Alexandria, he did a thing which gave abundant proof of an immature and youthful mind, yet withal of faith and self-control. For he took the saying, “There are eunuchs which made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake,” in too literal and extreme a sense, and both to fulfil the Saviour’s saying, and also that might prevent all suspicion of shameful slander on the part of unbelievers (for, young as he was, he used to discourse on divine things with women as well as men), he hastened to put into effect the Saviour's Saying, taking care to escape the notice of the greater number of his pupils. But, wishful though he might be, it was not possible to hide a deed of this nature. In fact Demetrius got to know of it later, since he was presiding over the community at that place; and while he marvelled exceedingly at him for his rash act, he approved the zeal and the sinceriry of his faith, bade him be of good cheer, and urged him to attach himself now all the more to the work of instruction.


Such indeed was his attitude at that time. But not Iong afterwards, when the same person saw that he was prospering and a great man and distinguished and famous in the sight of all, overcome by a human weakness, he attempted to describe the deed as monstrous to the bishops throughout the world, when the most highly approved and distinguished bishops in Palestine, namely those of Caesarea and Jerusalem,1 deeming Origen worthy of privilege and the highest honour, ordained him to the presbyterate by laying on of hands.2 So, as he had then advanced to a position of great esteem, and had aequired no small reputation and fame for his virtue and wisdom in the eyes of all men everywhere, through lack of any other ground οf aceusation Demetrius spread grave scandal about the deed that he had committed long ago when a boy, and had the temerity to include in his accusations those who raised him to the presbyterate.

This happened a little while afterwards. Αt that time, however, Origen was engaged at Αlexandria in the work or divine instruction for all, without reserve, who came to him by night and in the course of the day, devoting his whole time untiringly to the divine studies and his pupils.

When Severus had held the principate for eighteen years, he was succeeded by his son Antoninus.3 this time Αlexander (being one of those who Ρlayed the man during the persecution and after contending for the faith by their confessions were preserved by the Providence of God), whom we have mentioned lately4 as bishop of the church at Jerusalem, deemed worthy of the said bishopric, distinguished [*](1 i.e. Theoctistus and Αlexander: cf. 19. 17; 27. 2 See 23. 4. 3 Α.D. 211. 4 § 4.)

he was for his confessions on behalf of Christ; issus his predecessor being still alive.1

IX. Many οther miracles, indeed, of Νarcissus do e citizens of the community call to mind, as handed wn by the brethren in succession, and among these ey relate that the following wonder was performed him. Once at the great all-night vigil of the ascha it is said that the oil failed the deacons, and at when deep despondency seized the whole ultitude, thereupon Narcissus commanded those ho were preparing the lights to draw water and ring it to him; that when this was no sooner said an done, he then prayed οver the water, and bade em pour it down into the lamps with unfeigned ith in the Lord. Αnd that when they did this, contrary to all reason by miraculous and divine power nature was changed in quality from water into il; and that for a very long time, from that day even ours, a little was preserved as a οf that wonder former days by very many οf the brethren there.

Αnd they enumerate a great many other things about the life of this man worthy of mention, among which is the following. Certain miserable creatures, not being able to endure his energy and the firmness of his conduct, and fearing lest they should be taken and put on their trial (for they were conscious of many evil deeds), anticipated the event by devising an intrigue agrinst him and spreading a certain grave slander to his hurt. Then, with a view to securing the belief οf their hearers, they strove to confirm their accusations by oaths; one swore, “[if this is not true] ay I be destroyed by fire”; another, “may y be wasted by an untoward diseasse”; and [*](1 For the reason οf this see c. 11. VOL. II c )

third, “may my eyes be blinded.” But, swear ey might, none of the faithful gave heed to them, the the fame of Narcissus's sobriety and virtuous nner of life was always well known to all. Ηe, vertheless, could not brook the wickedness of what been said, and, besides, had for a long time been uing the philosophic life,; so he escaped the οle company of the church, and spent many years cretly in deserts and obscure parts οf the country. et the great eye of Justice did not remain quiet at ese deeds, but with untmost speed visited upon those ess men the curses with which in their perjury ey had bound themselves. So the first was burnt death with all his family, the house in which he as staying being wholly set on fire one night from solutely no other cause than a small spark which ppened to fall οn it; as for the second, his body as convered, all at once, from head to toe with the isease that he had assigned to himself as a penalty; d the third, perceiving the hap of the οther o, and fearing the ineritable judgement of God who seeth all, made public confession of what they plotted together in common. Yet, in the act of repentance, so great were the lamentations by hich he was wasted, so many were the tears that me unceasingly poured forth, that both eyes were troyed.

such were the punishments that these men suffered their falsehood.