The Martyrdom of Polycarp

Martyrium Polycarpi

The Martydom of Polycarp. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

For the fire made the likeness of a room, like the sail of a vessel filled with wind, and surrounded the body of the martyr as with a wall, and he was within it not as burning flesh, but as bread that is being baked, or as gold and silver being refined in a furnace. And we perceived such a fragrant smell as the scent of incense or other costly spices.

At length the lawless men, seeing that his[*](Polycarp’s death) body could not be consumed by the fire, commanded an executioner to go up and stab him with a dagger, and when he did this, there came out a dove,[*](This no doubt points to the belief that the spirit appears at death in the form of a bird. Cf. Prudentius Peristeph. Hymn. iii. 33 (other references are also given by Lightfoot).) and

much blood, so that the fire was quenched and all the crowd marvelled that there was such a difference between the unbelievers and the elect.