The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

Your thought, said he, is good and true; for you ought to have walked in truth as God’s servant, and an evil conscience ought not to dwell with the spirit of truth, nor ought grief to come on a spirit which is holy and true. Never, sir, said I, have I accurately understood[*](The literal meaning of the Greek is heard, but the meaning is clearly much more nearly understood. ) such words.

Now then, said he, you do understand them. Keep them that your former lies in your business may themselves become trustworthy now that these have been found true. For it is possible for those also to become trustworthy.[*](The meaning is obscure, but it appears to be that Hermas having made untrue statements in the course of business must try so to act that his statements will be justified in fact; for instance, if he had made extravagant promises he must fulfil them.) If you keep these things and from henceforth keep the whole truth, you can obtain life for yourself; and whoever shall hear this commandment, and abstain from the sin of lying shall live to God.

I command you, he said, to keep purity and[*](Purity) let not any thought come into your heart about another man’s wife, or about fornication or any such wicked things; for by doing this you do great sin. But if you always remember your own wife you will never sin.

For if this desire enter your heart you will sin, and if you do other such-like wicked things you commit sin. For this desire is a great sin for the servant of God. And if any man commit this wicked deed he works death for himself.

See to it then, abstain from this desire, for where holiness

lives, lawlessness ought not to enter the heart of a righteous man.

I said to him, Sir, allow me to ask you a few questions. Say on, said he. Sir, said I, if a man have a wife faithful in the[*](Man and wife) Lord, and he finds her out in some adultery, does the husband sin if he lives with her?

So long as he is ignorant, said he, he does not sin, but if the husband knows her sin, and the wife does not repent, but remains in her fornication, and the husband go on living with her, he becomes a partaker of her sin, and shares in her adultery.