The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

So I wrote the commandments and parables as he commanded me.

If then you hear and keep them, and walk in them, and do them with a pure heart, you shall receive from the Lord all that he promised you, but if you hear them and do not repent, but continue to add to your sins, you shall receive the contrary from the Lord. All these things the shepherd commanded me to write thus, for he was the angel of repentance.

First of all believe that God is one, who made[*](Belief in God) all things and perfected them, and made all things to be out of that which was not, and contains all things, and is himself alone uncontained.

Believe then in him, and fear him, and in your fear be continent. Keep these things, and you shall cast away from yourself all wickedness, and shall put on every virtue of righteousness, and shall live to God, if you keep this commandment.

He said to me: Have simplicity and be[*](Simplicity) innocent and you shall be as the children who do not know the wickedness that destroys the life of men.

In the first place, speak evil of no one, and do not listen gladly to him who speaks evil. Otherwise you also by listening share in the sin of him who speaks evil, if you believe in the evil-speaking

which you hear. For by believing you yourself also will have somewhat against your brother; thus therefore, you will share the sin of the speaker of evil.

Evil-speaking is wicked; it is a restless[*](Evil-speaking) devil, never making peace, but always living in strife. Refrain from it then, and you shall have well-being at all times with all men.