The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

I asked her: Why has the tower been built on the water. Lady? As I told you before, you are seeking diligently, said she, and so by seeking you are finding out the truth. Hear, then, why the tower has been built upon the water: because your life was saved and shall be saved through water, and the tower has been founded by the utterance of the almighty and glorious Name, and is maintained bv the unseen power of the Master.

I answered and said to her: Lady, great and[*](The six young men) wonderful is this thing. But, Lady, who are the six

young men who are building? These are the holy angels of God, who were first created, to whom the Lord delivered all his creation to make it increase, and to build it up, and to rule the whole creation. Through them, therefore, the building of the tower shall be completed.

But who are the others, who are bringing the stones?They also are holy angels of God, but these six are greater than they. Therefore the building of the tower shall be completed, and all shall rejoice together around the tower, and shall glorify God because the building of the tower has been completed.

I asked her saying: Lady, I would like to know the end of the stones, and what kind of force[*](Here almost the equivalent of meaning .—What is their meaning in the vision? ) they have. She answered me and said: It is not because you are more worthy than all others that a revelation should be made to you, for there were others before you and better than you, to whom these visions ought to have been revealed. But in order that the name of God might be glorified, they have been, and shall be, revealed to you because of the double-minded who dispute in their heart whether these things are so or not. Tell them, that all these things are true, and that there is nothing beyond the truth, but that all things are strong and certain and well-founded.

Listen then concerning the stones which go[*](The stones) into the building. The stones which are square and

white and which fit into their joins are the Apostles and bishops and teachers and deacons who walked according to the majesty of God, and served the elect of God in holiness and reverence as bishops and teachers and deacons; some of them are fallen asleep and some are still alive. And they always agreed among themselves, and had peace among themselves, and listened to one another; for which cause their joins fit in the building of the tower.

But who are they who have been brought out of the deep sea, and added on to the building, and agree in their joins with the other stones which have already been built?These are they who have suffered for the name of the Lord.

But I should like to know. Lady, who are the other stones which are being brought from the dry land? She said: Those which go into the building without being hewed are they whom the Lord approved because they walked in the uprightness of the Lord and preserved his commandments.

But who are they who are being brought and placed in the building?They are young in the faith and faithful; but they are being exhorted by the angels to good deeds, because wickedness has been found in them.

But who are they whom they[*](The rejected stones) were rejecting and throwing away?These are they who have sinned and wish to repent; for this reason they have not been cast far away from the tower, because they will be valuable for the building if they repent. Those, then, who are going to repent, if they do so, will be strong in the faith if they repent now, while the tower is being built;

but if the building be finished, they no longer have a place, but will be cast away. But they have only this,—that they lie beside the tower.

Do you wish to know who are those which[*](The stones which were broken up) are being broken up and cast far from the tower? These are the sons of wickedness; and their faith was hypocrisy, and no wickedness departed from them. For this cause they had no salvation, for because of their wickedness they are not useful for the building. Therefore they were broken up and cast far away, because of the anger of the Lord, for they had provoked his anger.

But the others of[*](The stones put on one side) whom you saw many left lying and not going into the building, of these those which are rotten are they who have known the truth, but are not remaining in it.