The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

He showed me many trees, without leaves, which appeared to me to be as if dry, for they were all alike. And he said to me: Do you see these

trees? Yes, sir, said I, and I see that they are all alike and dry. And he answered me and said: These trees which you see are they who dwell in this world.

Why, then, said I, sir, are they as it were dry and all alike? Because, said he, in this world, neither righteous nor sinners are apparent, but are all alike. For this world is winter for the righteous and they are not apparent, though they are living with sinners.

For just as in the winter the trees which have shed their leaves are alike, and it is not apparent which are dry and which are alive, so in this world neither the righteous nor the sinners are apparent, but all are alike.

He showed me again many trees, some budding[*](The budding and withered trees) and some withered, and said to me, Do you see, said he, these trees. I see them, sir, said I, some budding and some withered.

These trees, said he, which are budding are the righteous, who are destined to live in the world to come; for the world to come is summer for the righteous, but winter for the sinners. When therefore the mercy of the Lord shall shine, then the servants of God shall be made plain and all men shall be made apparent.

For, just as in the summer the fruit of each individual tree is made plain, and they are recognised for what they are, so also the fruit of the righteous will be plain, and they will all be known, by blossoming in that world.

But the heathen and the sinners—the withered

trees which you saw—will be found to be such, dried and fruitless in that world, and they shall be burnt up like wood and shall be made manifest, because their conduct was wicked in their lives. For the sinners shall be burnt, because they sinned and did not repent, and the heathen shall be burnt, because they did not know their Creator.

Be therefore fruitful, that your fruit may be known in that summer. But abstain from much business, and you will do no sin. For those who do much business also sin much, being engrossed in their business, and serving their Lord in nothing.

How then, said he, can such a one pray for anything from the Lord and receive it, when he does not serve the Lord? They who serve him,—they shall receive their requests. But they who do not serve the Lord,—they shall receive nothing.

But if anyone be occupied with but one business, he can serve the Lord also. For his understanding is not corrupted away from the Lord, but he will serve him with a pure mind.