

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

11 As a shepherd shall he tend his flock, and with his arm shall he gather lambs, and shall comfort those with young.

12 Who measured the water with his hand, and the heaven with a span, and all the earth with a handful? Who hath weighed the mountains with a scale, and the valleys with a balance?

13 Who hath understood the mind of the Lord, and who was his fellow-counsellor, that shall teach him?

14 Or with whom shared be his counsel, and he taught him? or who showed him judgment? or who showed him the way of understanding? or who gave to him at the first, and it shall be rendered him again? ’

[*](4. ‘all the crooked ’ B c. ‘and the rough land ’ ℵ*B.)[*](10. ‘the Lord, the ’ ℵcb B)[*](14. ‘Or who ‘ omit, ℵcb BQ. Cf. Rom. xi. 34.; Job xli. 11 Heb.)

15 If all the nations had been reckoned as a drop from a jar, or as the turn of a scale, shall they be reckoned even as spittle?

16 And Lebanon is not sufficient for burning, and all the (four footed) beasts are not sufficient for a (whole) burnt offering.

17 And all the nations are as nothing, and are reckoned for nothing.

18 To whom liken ye the Lord, and with what likeness liken ye him?

19 Doth the craftsman make an image, or a goldsmith cast gold, and gild it over? doth he construct of it a likeness?

20 For a craftsman chooseth out a tree which doth not rot, and seeketh cunningly how to set up an image there: and that it may not be moved.

21 Will ye not learn? will ye not hear? was it not proclaimed to you from the beginning? have ye not learnt the foundations of the earth?

22 (It is) he that holdeth the circle of the earth, and they that dwell in it are as locusts; he that setteth up the heaven as a canopy, and stretcheth it out as a tent to dwell in,

23 He that giveth rulers to rule as nothing, and he made the earth as nothing. ’

24 For they shall not sow, nor plant, neither shall their root be rooted in the earth; he breatheth upon them, and they are withered, and a tempest shall seize upon them as brushwood.

25 Now therefore to whom liken ye me, and I shall be exalted? saith the Holy One.

26 Look up on high with your eyes, and see; who hath shown forth all these things? he, that bringeth forth his array by number, will call them all by name from the abundance of his glory, and in the might of strength nothing faileth thee.

[*](15. Perhaps interrog. ‘Were all the nations reckoned...and shall they be ’ B omits ‘and’ (even).)[*](20. ‘will ’ ℵ*B. Or, ‘an image thereof.)[*](24. ‘plant nor ’ B (A has ‘sow’ in pres. indie, ungrammatically).)[*](26. Or, ‘will call all ’ (A).)

27 For say not, Jacob, and why sayest thou, Israel, My way is hid from God, and my God hath taken away my judgment, and hath stood aloof

28 And now, hast thou not learnt? hast thou not heard? the everlasting God, God who hath framed the ends of the earth, will not hunger, nor grow—nor is there any finding out of his understanding—.

29 Giving strength to the hungry, and pain to them that suffer not.

30 For youths shall hunger, and young men shall be weary, and chosen men shall be without strength: