

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

5 Go, and tell Hezekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard the voice of thy prayer, and have seen thy tears; behold, I add unto thy time fifteen years:

6 And I will save thee out of the hand of the king of the Assyrians, and I will hold a shield before this city.

7 And this is the sign to thee from the Lord, that God will accomplish this word.

8 Behold, I turn the shadow of the steps, down which the sun has gone, the ten steps of the house of thy father; I will turn the sun back the ten steps. And the sun went up (again) the ten- steps, down which the shadow had gone. ’

9 [A song.] Prayer of Hezekiah king of Judah, when he had fallen sick, and arisen from his Sickness.

10 I said, At the height of my days, in the gates of hell I shall leave the residue of my years.

11 Ι said, I shall no more see the salvation of God in the land, I shall no more see man.

12 From among my kindred; I have left behind the residue of my-life; it is gone forth and departed from me, like him that looseth. his tent which he hath pitched; my spirit in me became as a web, when she that weaveth draweth near to cut it off.

[*](5. Omit ‘the voice ’ B.)[*](6.- ‘deliver thee and this city out ’ B.)[*](7 fin. Or. ‘do this ’ representing Heb. in which ‘word’ and ‘thing’ are sometimes not distinguished.)[*](9. Ornit ‘ ’ ℵBQ.)[*](10. After ‘days’ ℵca with some other authorities insert ‘I shall ’ or ‘walk.’)[*](11. 'In the land of the living; I shall no more see the salvation of upon earth, I shall no more see man; (12) he is failed from among my kindred.B')

13 In that day was I given over until morning, as to a lion ; so hath he crushed all my bones; for from the day until night was I given over.

14 As a swallow, so will I cry, and as a clove, so will I rehearse it; for mine eyes have failed from looking up to the height of heaven to the Lord, who rescued me, and took away the anguish of my soul.

15 * * * * * * *

16 Ο Lord; yea, it was told thee concerning it, and thou didst rouse up my breath, and I was comforted, and came to life.

17 For thou hast delivered my soul that it should not perish, and hast cast away all my sins behind me.

18 For they that are in hell shall not praise thee, nor shall the dead bless thee, nor they in hell hope_for thy mercy.

19 The living shall bless thee, as I also do ; for from today will I beget children which shall declare thy righteousness,

20 O Lord of my salvation; and I will not cease blessing thee upon the psaltery, all the days of my life, in front of the house of God.

21 And Isaiah said to Hezekiah, Take a cake of figs, and bruise it, and apply it as a plaister, and thou shalt be whole.

22 And Hezekiah said, This is the sign, that I shall go up into the house of the Lord God.

XXXIX. 1 At that time Merodach, the son of Baladan, king of Babylonia, sent a letter and envoys and presents to Hezekiah; for he heard that he had fallen sick unto death, and had arisen again.

[*](13. ‘he hath crushed’ (omit ‘so’), B.)[*](14. ‘so do I rehearse it’ (corrector? of) B.)[*](20 init. ‘O God of,’ B.)[*](22. ‘This (is) a sign to Hezekiah that...’ B. Omit ‘the Lord,’ B.)[*](1. ‘Merodach-Baladan,’ B. (A &c. spell ‘ Laadan’ in next clause.) Om. ‘to Hezekiah.’ B.)

2 And Hezekiah rejoiced with great joy over them, and showed them the house of the treasury, and of the balsam, and the incense, and the myrrh, and the silver, and the gold, and all the houses of the vessels of the treasure, and all that was among his treasures; and there was nothing which Hezekiah showed them not in his house.