Dialogi Marini

Lucian of Samosata

The Works of Lucian of Samosata, complete, with exceptions specified in thepreface, Vol. 1. Fowler, H. W. and Fowlere, F.G., translators. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1905.

Triton Posidon, there is such a pretty girl coming to Lerna for water every day; I don’t know that I ever saw a prettier.

Posidon What is she, a lady? or a mere water-carrier?

Triton Oh no; she is one of the fifty daughters of that Egyptian king. Her name is Amymone; I asked about that and her family. Danaus understands discipline; he is bringing them up to do everything for themselves; they have to fetch water, and make themselves generally useful.

Posidon And does she come all that way by herself, from Argos to Lerna?

Triton Yes; and Argos, you know, is a thirsty place; she is always having to get water.

Posidon Triton, this is most exciting. We must go and see her.

Triton Very well. It is just her time now; I reckon she will be about half-way to Lerna.

Posidon Bring out the chariot, then. Or no; it takes such a time getting it ready, and putting the horses to. Just fetch me out a good fast dolphin; that will be quickest.

Triton Here is a racer for you.

Posidon Good; now let us be off. You swim alongside.—Here we are at Lerna. I'll lie in ambush hereabouts; and you keep a look-out. When you see her coming—

Triton Here she comes.
