

Xenophon, creator; Xenophon in Seven Volumes Vol 5-6; Miller, Walter, 1864-1949, editor, translator

But, by Zeus, said the Chaldaeans, we could not even work our own farms in security, to say nothing of theirs, if they were to have possession of the heights. But said Cyrus, suppose on the other hand that the heights were in the possession of your friends? In that case, they answered, we should be all right. But, by Zeus, said the Armenian, we, on our part, should not be all right, if they are again to get possession of the heights, especially now that they have been fortified.

This then, said Cyrus, is what I shall[*](Cyrus guarantees peace between them) do: I shall not give possession of the heights to either of you, but we shall keep a garrison there ourselves; and if either of you does wrong, we shall side with the injured party.

And when they heard this proposal, both sides gave it their approval and said that only in this way could the peace be effective; and upon these conditions they interchanged assurances of friendship, and agreed that each party should be independent of the other, that there should be the right of intermarriage and of mutual tillage and pasturage in each other’s territory, and that there should be a defensive alliance, in case any one should injure either party.

Such, then, was the agreement entered into at that time; and to this day the covenants which were then made between the Chaldaeans and the king of Armenia still continue in force. And when the treaty was made, they both together began with enthusiasm at once to build the fort for their common protection, and then together they stocked it with provisions.

When evening was drawing on, he entertained both sides, now made friends, as his guests at dinner. And while the party was in progress, one of the[*](Chaldaean mercenaries) Chaldaeans said that to all the rest of them this state of affairs was desirable; but there were some of the Chaldaeans, so they said, who lived by plundering and would not know how to farm and could not, for they were used to making their living by the business of war; for they were always making raids or serving as mercenaries; they were often in the service of the Indian king (and he paid well, they said, for he was a very wealthy man) and often in the service of Astyages.

Then why do they not enter my service now? asked Cyrus; I will pay as much as any one ever did. They assented and said that the volunteers would be many.

These terms were thus agreed upon; and[*](Cyrus proposes an embassy to India) when Cyrus heard that the Chaldaeans made frequent trips to the Indian king, remembering that representatives from him had once come to Media to investigate conditions there and had then visited the enemy to inquire into theirs also, he wished to have him learn what he had done.

Accordingly, he began to speak as follows: King of Armenia, said he, and you Chaldaeans, tell me—if I should now send one of my men to the Indian king, would you send along some of yours to conduct him on the way and to co-operate with him in getting what I want from the king of India? Now I should like to have more money, in order to be in a position both to pay generous wages when I ought, and to honour with rewards those of my fellow-soldiers who deserve it; and the reason why I wish to have as generous a supply of money as possible is that I expect to need it, and I shall be glad to spare yours; for I now count you among my friends; but from the Indian king I should be glad to accept a contribution, if he would offer it.

Now, when the messenger, to whom I am asking you to furnish guides and co-workers, arrives there, he will speak on this wise: King of India, Cyrus has sent me to you; he says that he needs more funds, for he is expecting another army from his home in Persia—and that is true, said he, for I am expecting one—if, therefore, you will send him as much as you conveniently can, he says that if God will give him good success, he will try to make you think that you were well advised in doing him this favour.

This my envoy will say; do you now, in your turn, give your representatives such instructions as you think expedient for you. And if we get anything thing from him, we shall have more abundant funds to use; and if we do not, we shall know that we owe him no thanks, but may, as far as he is concerned, settle everything with a view to our own interests.

Thus Cyrus spoke; and he believed that those of the Armenians and Chaldaeans who were to go would say such things of him as he desired all men to say and to hear of him. And then, when it was time, the banquet came to an end, and they went to rest.