

Xenophon, creator; Xenophon in Seven Volumes Vol 5-6; Miller, Walter, 1864-1949, editor, translator

And when they got home they talked, one of[*](Armenian appreciation of Cyrus) Cyrus’s wisdom, another of his strength, another of his gentleness, and still another of his beauty and his commanding presence. Then Tigranes asked his wife: Tell me, my Armenian princess, said he, did you, too, think Cyrus handsome? Why, by Zeus, said she, I did not look at him.At whom, then? asked Tigranes.At him, by Zeus, who said that he would give his life to keep me from servitude. Then as might be expected after such experiences, they went to rest together.

And on the following day the Armenian king sent guest-presents to Cyrus and all his army, and he commanded those of his men who were to take the field to present themselves on the third day; and he paid Cyrus double the sum of money that he had named. But Cyrus accepted only the amount specified and returned the rest. Then he asked which of the two was to go in command of the forces, the king himself or his son. They both answered at the same instant, the father saying: Whichever you command; and the son: I will never leave you,[*](Tigranes joins Cyrus’s army) Cyrus, not even if I have to accompany you as a camp-follower.

And Cyrus, laughing, said: How much would you take to have your wife told that you were a camp-follower?Why said he, she will not need to be told anything about it; for I shall take her with me, so that she will be in a position to see whatever I do.Then said he, it may be high time for you to be getting your things together. Be sure, said he, that we shall be here with everything brought together that my father gives us. And when the soldiers had received their presents they went to bed.