

Xenophon, creator; Xenophon in Seven Volumes Vol 5-6; Miller, Walter, 1864-1949, editor, translator

and they proceeded to do so, while he presented[*](Cyrus presents himself and his army) himself before Cyaxares in his Persian dress, which was not at all showy. When Cyaxares saw him, he was pleased at his promptness but displeased with the plainness of his dress and said: How is this, Cyrus? What do you mean by appearing thus before the Indians? Now I wished you to appear with as much magnificence as possible, for it would have been a mark of respect to me to have my sister’s son appear in all possible grandeur.

Should I be showing you more respect, Cyaxares,Cyrus made reply to this, if I arrayed myself in purple and adorned myself with bracelets and put on a necklace and at my leisure obeyed your orders, than I have in obeying you with such dispatch and accompanied by so large and so efficient an army? And I have come myself adorned with sweat and marks of haste to honour you and I present the others likewise obedient to you.Thus Cyrus spoke, and Cyaxares recognizing that he was right summoned the Indians.

And when[*](The audience) the Indians came in they said that the king of India had sent them with orders to ask on what ground the Medes and the Assyrians had declared war. And he has ordered us, they said, when we have heard your statement, to go also to the Assyrian and ask him the same question; and finally, he bade us say to both of you that the king of India declared that when he was weighed the merits of the case, he will side with the party wronged.

Well, then, Cyaxares made reply to this, let me tell you that we are not guilty of doing any wrong to the Assyrian; but go now, if you wish, and ask him what he has to say. Cyrus, who was present, asked Cyaxares, May I also tell them what I think? And Cyaxares bade him say on.Well then, said he, if Cyaxares has no objection, tell the king of India that we propose, in case the Assyrian says he has been wronged by us, to choose the king of India himself to be our arbitrator.Upon hearing this, they went away.