Book of James

New Testament

Rainbow Missions, Inc. World English Bible. Rainbow Missions, Inc.; revision of the American Standard Version of 1901.

Indeed, we put bits into the horses' mouths so that they may obey us, and we guide their whole body.

Behold, the ships also, though they are so big and are driven by fierce winds, are yet guided by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires.

So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!

And the tongue is a fire. The world of iniquity among our members is the tongue, which defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature, and is set on fire by Gehenna.

For every kind of animal, bird, creeping thing, and thing in the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed by mankind.

But nobody can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the image of God.