

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

This the Argives would not put up with and departed. When, however, the madness spread among their women, they promised what Melampus demanded and were ready to give it to him. Thereupon, seeing their purpose changed, he demanded yet more and said that he would not do their will except if they gave a third of their kingship to his brother Bias; now driven into dire straits, the Argives consented to that also.

The Spartans too were so eagerly desirous of winning Tisamenus that they granted everything that he demanded. When they had granted him this also, Tisamenus of +Elis [21.4,37.8833] (Perseus) Elis, now a Spartan, engaged in divination for them and aided them to win five very great victories. No one on earth save Tisamenus and his brother ever became citizens of Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta.

Now the five victories were these: one, the first, this victory at Plataea [23.2667,38.2] (Perseus) Plataea; next, that which was won at Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea over the Tegeans and Argives; after that, over all the Arcadians save the Mantineans at Dipaea; next, over the Messenians at +Ithome [21.8167,39.4167] (Perseus) Ithome; lastly, the victory at +Tanagra [23.6,38.3083] (Perseus) Tanagra over the Athenians and Argives, which was the last won of the five victories.[*](The battle at +Ithome [21.8167,39.4167] (Perseus) Ithome was apparently in the third Messenian war; that at +Tanagra [23.6,38.3083] (Perseus) Tanagra, in 457 B.C. (Thuc. 1.107). Nothing is known of the battles at Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea and Dipaea.)

This Tisamenus had now been brought by the Spartans and was the diviner of the Greeks at Plataea [23.2667,38.2] (Perseus) Plataea. The sacrifices boded good to the Greeks if they would just defend themselves, but evil if they should cross the Asopus and be the first to attack.

Mardonius' sacrifices also foretold an unfavorable outcome if he should be zealous to attack first, and good if he should but defend himself. He too used the Greek manner of sacrifice, and Hegesistratus of +Elis [21.4,37.8833] (Perseus) Elis was his diviner, the most notable of the sons of Tellias. This man had been put in prison and condemned to die by the Spartans for the great harm which he had done them.

Being in such bad shape inasmuch as he was in peril of his life and was likely to be very grievously maltreated before his death, he did something which was almost beyond belief; made fast in iron-bound stocks, he got an iron weapon which was brought in some way into his prison, and straightway conceived a plan of such courage as we have never known; reckoning how best the rest of it might get free, he cut off his own foot at the instep.

This done, he tunneled through the wall out of the way of the guards who kept watch over him, and so escaped to Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea. All night he journeyed, and all day he hid and lay hidden in the woods, till on the third night he came to Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea, while all the people of Sparta [22.416,37.83] (inhabited place), Laconia, Peloponnese, Greece, Europe Lacedaemon sought him. The latter were greatly amazed when they saw the half of his foot which had been cut off and lying there but not were unable to find the man himself.