

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

It was Pammon of Scyros who showed them where in the strait the reef lay. After sailing along all day, the foreign fleet reached Sepias in Nomos Magnisias [22.75,39.25] (department), Thessaly, Greece, EuropeMagnesia and the beach between the town of Casthanaea and the Sepiad headland.

Until the whole host reached this place and +Thermopylae [22.5583,38.8] (Perseus) Thermopylae it suffered no hurt, and calculation proves to me that its numbers were still such as I will now show. The ships from Asia (continent)Asia were twelve hundred and seven in number, and including the entire host of nations involved, there were a total of two hundred and forty-one thousand and four hundred men, two hundred being reckoned for each ship.