

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Three of the ten barbarian ships ran aground on the reef called the Ant, which lies between Sciathus and Nomos Magnisias [22.75,39.25] (department), Thessaly, Greece, EuropeMagnesia. The barbarians then brought a pillar of stone and set it on the reef, and when their course was plain before them, the whole fleet set forth and sailed from +Thessaloniki [22.933,40.633] (inhabited place), Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece, Europe Therma, eleven days after the king had marched from there.

It was Pammon of Scyros who showed them where in the strait the reef lay. After sailing along all day, the foreign fleet reached Sepias in Nomos Magnisias [22.75,39.25] (department), Thessaly, Greece, EuropeMagnesia and the beach between the town of Casthanaea and the Sepiad headland.

Until the whole host reached this place and +Thermopylae [22.5583,38.8] (Perseus) Thermopylae it suffered no hurt, and calculation proves to me that its numbers were still such as I will now show. The ships from Asia (continent)Asia were twelve hundred and seven in number, and including the entire host of nations involved, there were a total of two hundred and forty-one thousand and four hundred men, two hundred being reckoned for each ship.