

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

This is borne out, some of the Greeks say, by the tale of a thing which happened many years afterwards. It happened that while Athenian envoys, Callias son of Hipponicus, and the rest who had come up with him, were at Shush [48.333,32.2] (inhabited place), Khuzestan, Iran, AsiaSusa, called the Memnonian,[*](Cp. Hdt. 5.53.) about some other business,[*](In 448, apparently. See How and Wells ad loc. for a full discussion of the matter.) the Argives also had at this same time sent envoys to Shush [48.333,32.2] (inhabited place), Khuzestan, Iran, AsiaSusa, asking of Xerxes' son Artoxerxes whether the friendship which they had forged with Xerxes still held good, as they desired, or whether he considered them as his enemies. Artoxerxes responded to this that it did indeed hold good and that he believed no city to be a better friend to him than Argos [22.7333,37.6417] (Perseus) Argos.”

Now, whether it is true that Xerxes sent a herald with such a message to Argos [22.7333,37.6417] (Perseus) Argos, and that the Argive envoys came up to Shush [48.333,32.2] (inhabited place), Khuzestan, Iran, AsiaSusa and questioned Artoxerxes about their friendship, I cannot say with exactness, nor do I now declare that I consider anything true except what the Argives themselves say.